What is Coroplast? Eight Questions About Coroplast Boards

Coroplast is extrused from the product line with melting polypropylene with polyethylene raw material together with high temperature. Its also called hollow grid plate as the lattice shape for the corrss-section.

Coroplast is short for corrugated plastic. These sign pieces can be used as so-called "Sandwich Board Signs". The fluting in the coroplast runs vertically so that wireframes can be used to place your sign horizontally.

Here are some hot questions and answers about coroplast.

Question: What kind of plastic are these made of and are they single layer?

Answer: They are polyethylene plastic with a corrugated plastic core.

Question: Can light come through coroplast sheet?

Answer: not directly - if used as a block over a window it would be "bright" with daylight behind it but only for white panels. No direct light comes through.

Question: Can the coroplast be waterproof? Do both sides have the same texture?

Answer: Yes! Because all plastics are waterproof, so the coroplast boards are also waterproof.

Question: Is this polypropylene material more durable than foam core board?

Answer: It is, coroplast is a sort of reinforced plastic that is very easy to cut and bend into a desired shape.

Question: How can I cut coroplast sheet? Would I be able to use an x-actor knife or poultry shears?

Answer: the coroplast sheets are very easy to cut, and I recommend an x-actor knife and metal ruler. At the same time, you better know what shape you need, otherwise, everything is irreparable.

Question: Is there transparent coroplast sheets?

Answer: Ordinary coroplast stores are difficult to have transparent coroplast sheets unless you go to manufacturer custom coroplast boards. The premise is that you need a lot of transparent corrugated plastic boards.

Question: Is the surface of coroplast board completely smooth?

Answer: The material is corrugated plastic. It is basically smooth, but smooth like a mirror is.

Question: Can you sell custom sizes?

Answer: We can customize any coroplast size you need, Also customizable colors, logos, thicknesses, shapes, prints, and more.

Question: Is this safe to use in an aquarium?

Answer: I would not hesitate to use it in an aquarium. After all, it is twin-wall plastic. The only issue I would consider is the flutes might be traps for bacteria and difficult to clean.

Coroplast is ideal for indoor and outdoor economic sign needs. These corrugated plastic boards are tough, very light-weighted, and waterproof. With our printed economic coroplast signs you can reach large audiences. Coroplast signs make great yard signs, arrow signs, parking signs, and roadside signs. They are easy to install and remove. You can leave it outside in the rain or sunlight without being damaged. 

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Advantages of Corrugated Plastic Sheets: